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Author: Michael Washington Created: 8/20/2010 8:49 PM RssIcon
All about Microsoft LightSwitch
By Michael Washington on 12/24/2018 6:34 PM


You can create an Azure function that will retrieve emails, every 5 minutes, from a Pop3 email account and create Help Desk Tickets. To demonstrate this, we will implement a solution that creates Help Desk Tickets in the popular open source Help Desk application

By Michael Washington on 12/20/2018 10:03 PM


Calling a REST based API from .Net Core is usually more complicated than many of the samples you may have seen. The reason is that each REST based API can implement its own unique security measures. In addition, passing complex parameters, and uploading files though a REST based API, can prove challenging…

By Michael Washington on 11/24/2017 3:58 PM


You can create an automated Azure function that will retrieve emails from a Pop3 email account and store the list of the emails in an Azure storage Table and the emails themselves as Azure storage Blobs

By Michael Washington on 11/18/2017 6:14 PM


Using the open source Typewriter plug-in with Visual Studio will allow you to automate much of the boilerplate code for your classes and services…

By Michael Washington on 8/20/2017 1:34 PM


You can easily create an Angular 4 application using Microsoft .Net Core 2.0 that has an application menu shell and authentication. This example also uses the open source component, PrimeNG

By Michael Washington on 7/19/2017 8:12 PM


You can use BehaviorSubject to facilitate communication between Angular components…

By Michael Washington on 7/17/2017 10:13 PM


You can easily create an Angular 4 application shell using PrimeNG

By Michael Washington on 7/12/2017 6:06 AM


You can allow your application end users to fully update their version of your application by simply uploading a .zip file…

By Michael Washington on 6/29/2017 6:31 AM


You can easily implement a full multi-file upload and management in a .Net Core C# Angular 4+ application using PrimeNG FileUpload

By Michael Washington on 6/4/2017 9:23 AM


Radzen has some additional features that bring it closer to the features that long time users of Visual Studio LightSwitch are used to. Namely, the page creation wizard, the ability to edit the source code using Visual Studio, and the ability to create custom components

By Michael Washington on 5/21/2017 3:41 PM


Upgrading an Angular 2 JavaScriptServices project that uses PrimeNG to Angular 4+ is quite straightforward with a few gotcha’s…

By Michael Washington on 5/12/2017 7:35 PM


You can easily implement file upload and management in a .Net Core C# Angular 2+ application using PrimeNG FileUpload…

By Michael Washington on 4/19/2017 5:10 AM


Over the years this site has been contacted by various companies that create tools for creating Line Of Business applications, in an attempt to reach the users of Visual Studio LightSwitch. The challenge given to all the companies is that they reproduce the example covered on this site for years, the An End-To-End Visual Studio LightSwitch 2013-2015 HTML5 Application

No one has risen to the challenge, until now…

By Michael Washington on 3/11/2017 11:03 PM


You can create database driven .Net Core applications using JavaScriptServices, and PrimeNg

By Michael Washington on 3/4/2017 2:09 PM


You can use Azure Functions to convert PDF files to PNG files…

By Michael Washington on 2/26/2017 5:17 PM


You can use Azure Webjobs to convert PDF files to multipage Tiff files…

By Michael Washington on 2/5/2017 2:45 PM


This project covers a wizard that allows you to FTP an application to a remote server and then launch a configuration wizard from the web browser to update the database. This example uses an Angular C# Visual Studio project using ASP.NET 4 MVC and OData 4. The Angular 2+ code is written in TypeScript

By Michael Washington on 1/15/2017 3:04 PM


You can authenticate a user in an ASP.NET 4.5 application directly from an Angular 2+ application log in page…

By Michael Washington on 1/11/2017 11:41 AM


You can easily make a nicer looking Angular 2 loading page by using Tobias Ahlin’s SpinKit

By Michael Washington on 12/30/2016 4:29 PM


This article covers an application that implements a full CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) Angular 2 Tree application…

Microsoft Visual Studio is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation / LightSwitch is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation